A new show just opened at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, PA called “Dedicated, Displayed, Discovered – Celebrating the Region’s School Art Collections” and it features Roy C. Nuse's portrait, “Peace of Mind." The portrait is of Blevins, a farmer and neighbor of RCN’s in Rushland, PA whom he painted several times. This painting was part of a group of paintings that were given (or sold very cheaply) to Bucks County schools by artists living in the area, to use for art history education with the children. The collection was given to the Michener from the school district for better safe keeping.
Here are two articles about this unique exhibition:
"Hidden for years, Philly schools' art hangs in a museum - for now" from the Philadelphia Inquirer
"Schooling Collectors?" from FineArtConnisseur.com
The show runs from July 8 to January 7, 2018